Free food? Check. Music? Check. Games? Check.Over 4,000 free condoms? Check!
What event could this campus possibly hold that has all these things in common, you ask? This would be what is known as the SEX CARNIVAL! A way to bring students together for fun, and sexual heath education, the Sex carnival looks to help Maine's sexually active population safe from the spread of STD's, as well as educate and entertain in a non threatening environment. This event will be held in the Stewart Quad on April 5th, from 2-5pm. Many student organizations will be in attendance, as well as Safe Campus, Peer Ed, ADEP, and more. I feel this is a good step for U-Maine to take in order to keep the population safe and educated. Hopefully a good time is had by all who attend! Here is some good information about STD's and the protection condoms offer: Condom Safety Information.